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Reduce Injuries From Bicycle Accidents

Did you know that every year about *267,000 kids—14 and younger—end up with injuries from bicycle accidents?

Here are some top tips to keep your kids safe as they head out for a ride this summer.

Tip No. 1 - Check Your Child’s Helmet

Don’t try to skimp or save money here. Most head injuries are from using helmets that are too big, too small, or don’t fit too far back on the child’s head. A properly fit helmet should sit on a kid's head two adult finger-widths above the child's eyes. The strap should fit snugly below the chin but still allow the mouth to open and close. The Y-straps should fall just below the ears—not in the middle of the ear or so low that the Y-straps are down to the chin. Additionally it is recommended that you buy a helmet that meets the standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which should be evident by a CPSC sticker inside the helmet.

Tip No. 2 - Go Over Road Safety Rules

By consistently reminding children of the importance of following safety precautions and presenting a good example yourself, you can instill a sense of caution and road awareness in your children, which will help reduce risky traffic-related behavior both now and throughout their lives.

Tip No. 3 - Get a Tune Up

Just like a car- your bike needs routine maintenance and an annual check up to make sure it is in top working order which will make it the safest- make sure that brakes are working and tires are aired up or replaced and oiling the chains if they need it. Make sure the seat is at proper height for your child and add reflective stickers for night time.

*according to an article from US News and World Report